Tips for Cycling During the Lockdown

by Steve McCulley

Courtesy British Cycling

Courtesy British Cycling


Following the introduction of new Covid-19 restrictions in England and Scotland, here are three tips for riding through the lockdown in line with British Cycling’s guidance


While winter is often a trickier time to stay active due to the cold weather and short days, it’s a vital tool for safeguarding our physical and mental wellbeing during what is set to be another challenging few weeks ahead. Although the restrictions have been tightened, riders are still very much encouraged to get out and enjoy some fresh air – whether that’s for daily exercise or essential journeys – so here’s a three-point plan for getting through the lockdown on your bike.

  1. Keep Local

    Under the new guidance it’s important to stay local, but that doesn’t mean that rides need to be boring. See it as a time to explore new roads, parks and trails right on your doorstep. If you’re riding as a family, why not take the opportunity to discover more about your community along the way. Check out the Let’s Ride Local website for activities and games. British Cycling also provide full guidance on where to ride here.

  2. Keep Riding

    It may be cold, wet and windy, but whatever the weather you’ll always return from your ride with a clearer head, a smile and a renewed motivation to keep going. Getting out of the door is always the hardest part. Here are some links to help you with riding in the dark, keeping warm and being seen.

  3. Come back Smiling

    During the first lockdown last spring it was amazing to see the cycling community come together to support each other. After almost a year of restrictions that spirit is going to be even more important this time around. That means checking in with your friends, getting together virtually or buddying up with a less experienced rider to help them to keep the wheels turning. They’ll appreciate the support. Just remembered to follow the Covid guidelines for cycling. Cycling UK has a useful Q&A here.

British Cycling’s Delivery Director, Dani Every, said:

“Based on what we know at this stage, a return to riding with friends, getting back to racing and challenging yourselves in a sportive lies just around the corner, but in the meantime it’s important that we all keep local, keep riding and come back smiling as we begin one last push to the line.”