The Ultimate Guide to taking the Perfect Photo of your Bike

In the current digital age, snapping good photos of your cycling adventures for social media is everything. Photography has started to dominate the cycling world, with images popping up of bikes with epic backdrops, incredible scenic routes and action-packed poses. 

Taking a photo is one thing, but getting the perfect image that you would be proud to hang on your wall is another thing altogether. We have compiled our top tips to help you capture your favourite moments in style!

Backdrop / Background

Picking the right background to frame your bike can make or break your shot. Some of your rides may take you to some incredible locations with winding roads and mountainous terrains, to seaside views and quaint coffee shops. These can all be great for taking that perfect photo, but try and remember to keep things simple.

As you want your bike to be the main feature of your photo, make sure your background isn’t too busy, as this will draw the attention away from your trusty steed. 

Not all your rides will have a backdrop worthy of those seen in a film, but this shouldn’t stop you from snapping that perfect shot. Sometimes the most reliable backgrounds are the simplest, with the rise in a road being a perfect example. This can radiate elements of authenticity, as well as providing a perfect frame for your bike.


Having the right lighting is key to creating an effective composition. Softer light generally works better, whether its dappled sunlight being diffused through the canopy of trees above you, or the morning and evening periods where the sun is low in the sky.

This will help to create a more dramatic scene, introducing unusual shadows and light contrasts, resulting in an eye-popping image!

Angles & Perspectives

You don’t always have to capture your whole bike in a shot. Play around with different compositions to keep things interesting. 

Try taking close up shots of certain features of your bike or experiment with interesting angles. Not all your photos will come out how you expect, but don’t be afraid to try something different. With social media becoming more crowded by the day, your standard bike shot just won’t cut it anymore, so the more inventive you can be the better.

Playing around with the depth of your image is a great way to create a professional look and, with the beauty of modern technology, it means you don’t need to have an expensive camera to do so. Most modern phones have features where the depth of your photos can be altered with easy adjustments to background blur made with the click of a finger. 

Before & After Shots

By capturing shots before and after rides it can create a compelling story which is key if you’re looking to post your snaps on social media. 

Taking multiple photos throughout a ride will create a great image bank which can be complied to show the journey of your bike.

Rainy days are great for this. Taking photos of your bike before your ride, then after its muddied up and then once you have cleaned it again will create a great transition of shots, as well as provide the images with character!


Trying to get your bike to stand on its own can be a challenge without the right props. If you don’t want to invest in some fancy kit and lug it around on your rides, try using objects you can find on your rides to hold up your bike. 


Anyone can go outside and take a photo of a bike, which will end up looking the same as the thousands of pictures that are already out there.

You need to try and capture what makes your bikes YOURS and unique. Maybe you have a special stem top cap or sticker. Whatever it is, make sure you capture this to stand out from the crowd.

Practice Makes Perfect

It’s very unlikely that you will get the perfect photo of your bike first time. Taking high quality photos isn’t an easy task and it will take some practice. 

Just like your riding style, everyone’s photography style is different, so it’s important to try out different techniques to find what works best for you.

Remember practice makes perfect!

Enjoy Yourself

Most importantly, remember to enjoy yourself and your ride. If you’re too focused on getting the perfect shot of your bike rather than actually riding it, then you’re doing it wrong. 

Of course the best photos can take some time to capture, but make sure you aren’t taking up your whole ride trying to get these shots, especially if you are riding with a group, as they will mostly likely leave you behind (do you blame them?!).

If you’re enjoying yourself and taking photos along the way, it’s more than likely you will capture some great natural images.

Feel free to send us some of your best shots and we’ll showcase them on our social media channels.